Training Initiatives by member institutions

POGO provides modest amounts of funding to its members towards the organisation of training workshops and other initiatives.

Find out here how member institutions can apply. Below is a list of training initiatives that are currently being or have previously been supported by POGO.

Regional Training on Major Aspects of Marine Sciences for MPA Monitoring and Management (2024)

A 5-day regional training, targeting early and mid-career scientists, seeks to address the shortage of experts specializing in marine geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and pollution science in West Africa.

Statistical Analysis of Oceanographic Data (2024/25)

A POGO-funded, international training initiative on “Statistical Analysis of Oceanographic Data” – organised by SUST in collaboration with NIOMR; Universiti Sains Malaysia and INCOIS.

Ocean Observations for Coastal Applications (2024)

A POGO-supported training initiative will be delivered by INCOIS in February 2024. It will include practical knowledge-sharing on various observational instruments, their working principles, tools and techniques to measure and analyse the data, areas of their applications with proven examples of data utilization and services.

Hands on MinION: Generating reference DNA barcodes for West African marine fishes (2024)

A hands on training module for third generation sequencing at the summer school of the West African Marine Fish DNA Barcoding Network (, Sept 2024.

Training course on Principles and Applications of BGC-Argo, China (2023)

POGO Member, Second Institute of Oceanography (SIO, China) has received funding approval for a 6-day training course on “Principles and Applications of BGC-Argo”. It is expected to have around 20 participants, mainly from China and other developing countries. It will take place from 15 – 20 November 2023.

Subsurface Mooring Training Course, China (2023)

A 7-day training course on Subsurface Mooring Design, Recovery and Deployment by IOCAS in conjunction with JAMSTEC and SCRIPPS.

Ocean Observations to Societal Applications (2022)

POGO – ITCOocean Training Program on “Ocean Observations to Societal Applications”: – 31 October – 05 November 2022

Organized by International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean) ESSO-INCOIS, Hyderabad, India, in collaboration with Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

Regional training workshop on observing the coastal and marginal seas in the western Indian Ocean including the Arabian/Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman (2022)

A Regional Training Workshop on ‘Observing the Coastal and Marginal Seas in the Western Indian Ocean including the Arabian/Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman’ will be organised in a hybrid format on 7th – 9th June, 2022. The workshop is organised by IORP, with the support from the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) and the ReMoTURB Project (in turn supported by the Mozambican Oceanographic Institute (InOM, former IIP) and Nelson Mandela University (NMU) in South Africa).

Best practices for biogeochemical ocean observation: instrumentation, operation, quality control (2022)

5-17 June 2022 at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), Oban, Scotland

Hybrid event – in-person and virtual attendance. Organized by an international group from all around the Atlantic.

Support for SOLAS International Summer School (postponed from 2021)

POGO Member, GEOMAR (Germany), received funding approval to support the 2021 Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) International Summer School, to be held in Mindelo, Cape Verde, Africa. However, due to worldwide travel restrictions, the in-person Summer School on Cape Verde was postponed from 2021 to summer 2023.

The organisers held a virtual version of the School from 13-17 June 2022. More information can be found here.

The in-person summer school took place from 5-16 June 2023, in Cabo Verde.

2020 NF-POGO Shipboard Training onboard the Gulf of Guinea cruise

As part of the POGO-supported project Acquisition of Oceanographic Data for Sustainable Resources Management in the Gulf of Guinea, two cruises will sample diverse parameters in the Gulf of Guinea in late 2020/early 2021. Ten fellowships are available for early career scientists, technicians, postgraduate students (PhD or MSc) and Post-doctoral Fellows involved in oceanographic work in Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo.

International Virtual Conference on the use of Environmental DNA (eDNA) in Marine Environments: Opportunities and Challenges (2020)

Organised by the POGO Biological Observations Taskforce, and aimed at scientists, engineers and natural resource managers interested in advancing eDNA/omics  implementation in marine environments.  

POGO Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Biological Oceanographic Observations

This workshop was organised and hosted by the POGO Biological Observations Task Force.

A short report on the event was published in Issue 37 of the POGO Newsletter (August 2019). You can read it here.

Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Training Workshop

A POGO-funded training initiative, held in Australia from 2-6 December 2019.


To train new members of the Global Alliance of CPR Surveys (GACS) in the methods they need to collect CPR samples from ships of opportunity.

Austral Summer Institute XIX 2019

The Department of Oceanography and the COPAS Sur-Austral Program of University of Concepcion, Chile, hosted the Austral Summer Institute XIX in January 2019, with a central theme “Harmful Algal Blooms: optical and oceanographic approaches”

Introduction to Observational Physical Oceanography, Benin, 2019

As part of a POGO Training Initiative proposal, a professor from AWI received funding to travel to the Université d’Abomey-Calavi in Cotonou, Benin, to teach a module entitled “Introduction to Observational Physical Oceanography” as part of the Master programme in Physical Oceanography.

Eight students from West African countries participated in the training course, which took place from 28 Jan to 1 Feb 2019.

EUMETSAT Workshop, Philippines, 2018

As part of a POGO Training Initiative proposal, several students from developing countries were supported by POGO to participate in a training workshop on accessing and working with state of the art satellite data for marine applications.  The workshop took place at University of the Philippines Visayas, Iloilo, The Philippines, from 25-26 November 2018.

Ocean-colour data in climate studies advanced training short course, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK, 2017

As part of a POGO Training Initiative proposal, two students were supported by POGO to participate in a training course in ocean-colour data and their applications in climate studies, hosted by Plymouth Marine Laboratory from 18 – 22 September 2017. 

International Training Workshop on Nutrient Analysis, Netherlands, 2017

As part of a POGO Training Initiative proposal, six students from developing countries were supported by POGO to participate in a training course in Nutrient Analysis, hosted by NIOZ Texel from 5-9 November 2017.

International Training Course on Emerging trends in Ocean Observation, INCOIS, India, 2016

As part of a POGO Training Initiative proposal, several students were sponsored to participate in the International Training Course on ‘Emerging trends in Ocean Observations with special emphasis on Moored Buoys and Time series Data Analysis and Applications’, 4 – 15 July 2016 at the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services​ (INCOIS). 

Technical Training in Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey Operations at SAHFOS, UK, 2015​

As part of a POGO Training Initiative proposal, an early career scientist from India was sponsored to participate in the Technical Training in Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey Operations at SAHFOS​ , Plymouth, UK in 2015.

Phytoplankton Identification Workshop SAHFOS-MBA, UK, 2012

In 2012, POGO decided to sponsor an early career scientist from a developing country, to attend the SAHFOS/MBA Phytoplankton Identification Workshop that was run from 3rd to 13th July in Plymouth. This was decided in the context of POGO’s support for the development of the Global Alliance of CPR Surveys, and in particular its expansion to developing countries. Among the fifty or so applications received, the workshop organisers selected Dr. Gaston Almandoz, from National University of La Plata in Argentina.

ChlorOGIN (Chlorophyll Ocean Global Integrated Network) Meeting and Workshops

18-22 Sept 2006, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK

The meeting consisted of three components: 1) a plenary planning meeting, 2) a satellite remote sensing technical workshop and 3) an in situ observations technical and calibration workshop. The 44 participants represented Latin America, southern and east Africa, India, China, Thailand, Sri Lanka, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, and the sponsors: the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, GOOS, GEO and POGO. Over 90% of the participants were under 50 years old and more than half under 40. Most had been previously trained under the auspices of the IOCCG and POGO.

NB – this page is still under construction – more archive trainings will be added shortly.

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