POGO holds a meeting of its members annually, where the important issues and trends in marine science are discussed. Frequently, the discussion leads to a communiqué or call for action. For example, at the meeting in São Paulo, a declaration was made on the urgency to enhance ocean observations in the Southern Hemisphere, which were seen to be sparse compared with those in the Northern Hemisphere. This declaration led a major oceanographic expedition, conducted by Japan, a circumnavigation of the globe in the Southern Hemisphere.
POGO also produces pamphlets and brochures aimed at policy makers and non-specialists to raise awareness about the ocean and the need to observe on a regular basis.
Additionally, POGO-led Working Groups and Professional Training Initiatives have summarised their findings and recommendations in some Factsheets.
Pogo Publications
POGO Annual Reports
POGO Strategy PDFs
Brochures, leaflets and flyers
Case Studies
Declarations and Communiques
POGO issues a number of documents aimed at the broader scientific community, funding agencies, policy makers and the general public. Among these are Declarations and statements that are often issued in conjunction with its Annual Meetings.
More videos on POGO’s YouTube Channel:
External publications
POGO LOGOS (png files)
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