COP26 Side Event: Ocean solutions: Coordination and collaboration for ocean-based mitigation and adaptation

POGO joined with several other organisations to hold a side event during the UNFCCC COP26 meeting in Glasgow, UK.


  • International Coastal and Ocean Organization (ICO)/Global Ocean Forum
  • Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO)
  • Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)
  • Sasakawa Peace Foundation (OPRI-SPF)
  • World Ocean Network (WON)


The ocean has greatly slowed the rate of climate change. But at a cost: the ocean has warmed, acidified and lost oxygen, whilst circulation patterns are changing, and sea levels are rising. The continuation of these changes not only threatens marine ecosystems, but also the future ability of the ocean to support life on Earth. Despite this, the ocean offers a range of key mitigation and adaptation opportunities for nations to combat climate change and increase ambition on emissions reduction and to ensure that the ocean can be developed sustainably for the benefits it provides to people around the world.

This event will showcase how action-driven trans-disciplinary science and cross-sectoral collaboration can help stakeholders adapt to the climate-induced challenges placed on the ocean and thus improve sustainable development, limiting warming to 1.5 °C, enhancing NDCs, and helping achieve Net Zero.

Activity/PanelistSpeaking Topics
Opening Introduction by Mr. Richard Delaney, President and CEO, Center for Coastal Studies, Moderator 
Dr. Margaret Leinen, Director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Vice Chancellor, University of California-San DiegoThe use of biomolecular observing to understand biodiversity and biological change in the ocean
Dr. Helen Findlay, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON)Ocean Acidification: Global networks for local solutions
Mr. Tomohiko Tsunoda, Senior Research Fellow, Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace FoundationContribution of the UN Decade of Ocean Science to the Climate Change Challenge from the Perspective of Ocean Education
Dr. Jack Laverick, Youth4Ocean Forum and the University of StrathclydeA youth perspective on climate change and the ocean
Mr. Tiago Pitta e Cunha, CEO, Oceano Azul FoundationOcean and climate on the way forward: The UN Ocean Conference
Q&A Discussants:
Mr. Richard Delaney
Dr. Peter Ricketts, President and Vice Chancellor, Acadia University    

Video of the event

(available via the COP26 YouTube channel for an indeterminate time)

4 November, 2021 – 4 November, 2021

Armadillo, Room 3, Derwentwater, Blue Zone, The Scottish Event Campus (SEC), Glasgow, UK

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