In October 2021, POGO launched its new, interactive 5-year strategy document.
The purpose of this strategy is to look forward to POGO’s priorities for future years.
It describes who we are, what we want, and what we aim to do – updating our previous strategic document to take into account the current international context, including the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the part that POGO and its members are playing within it. Read more…
POGO’s Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives have not changed – our goal remains “to have by 2030, world-wide cooperation for a sustainable, state-of-the-art global ocean observing system”, and we work to achieve this through the three pillars of (1) Innovation in Ocean Observing, (2) Capacity Development and (3) Outreach & Advocacy.
This updated strategic document reaffirms our commitment to work as a global community to promote and deliver the truly global ocean observation system needed to advance understanding of the ocean and its wise use for the benefit of all humankind.
Read the Mailchimp announcement here: https://mailchi.mp/deacc2e7b0fa/pogo-launches-new-strategy-2021