2nd Meeting of Antares

Supported by POGO and IOCCG

The Latin-American network of bio-optical oceanographers, called Antares, was founded in July 2003 in a workshop in Mar del Plata (Argentina) held at INIDEP. It was financed by a small grant from IOCCG.  However, the idea was born at a POGO training course in at the University of Concepción (Chile) in November 2002.

POGO helped to fund the second workshop, which took place at Margarita just before an IOCCG meeting. Further meetings took place, including Brazil 2006; Plymouth 2006.

Antares subsequently led to the formation of a global-scale analogue, ChloroGIN.

POGO continues to collaborate with and provide support to Antares, particularly through its capacity building programmes and the NF-POGO Alumni Network for Oceans.

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