POGO Admin Milestones

POGO launches new 5 year strategy

In October 2021, POGO launched its new, interactive 5-year strategy document. The purpose of this strategy is to look forward to POGO’s priorities for future years. It describes who we are, what we want, and what we aim to do – updating our previous strategic document to take into account the current international context, including

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POGO “Drops the S”

At the POGO-19 annual meeting, members agreed to change the organisation’s name from ‘Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans’ to ‘Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean’ (singular). This is a small but important change, which brings POGO into line with the first principle of Ocean Literacy, ie The Earth has one big ocean

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1st GEO Meeting in Washington DC

FIRST EARTH OBSERVATION SUMMIT (EOS-I): meeting on 31 July 2003 in Washington, DC, US, high-level representatives of 34 governments adopted a declaration establishing the ad hoc intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (ad hoc GEO), co-chaired by the European Commission, Japan, South Africa and the US to draft a 10-Year Implementation Plan. POGO recognised as a

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