Ocean-colour data in climate studies advanced training short course, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK, 2017

As part of a POGO Training Initiative proposal, two students were supported by POGO to participate in a training course in ocean-colour data and their applications in climate studies, hosted by Plymouth Marine Laboratory from 18 – 22 September 2017. 

Course materials now available

Course lecture and practical materials are available online via the OceanTeacher Global Academy platform. To access the course content please register at: http://classroom.oceanteacher.org/login/ and then login from the course page: http://classroom.oceanteacher.org/course/view.php?id=286 with password: OCD_2017 All materials have been recorded and uploaded thanks to Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IOC, UNESCO).



See below for original Workshop Announcement:

Ocean-colour data in climate studies advanced training short course

The proposed training course aims to provide PhD students and early career researchers with the fundamentals of ocean-colour satellite data and their applications. Remote sensing experts from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) will guide students through a combination of lectures and computer-based exercises covering the following topics:

1) Introduction to ocean colour;

2) Modelling primary production;

3) Ocean colour applications for ecosystem state assessment;

4) Climate impacts and feedbacks;

5) Ocean colour in data assimilation;

6) Dataset archive, management, visualisation and analysis. 

As part of the computer-based exercises, students will gain experience in the necessary tools for management of large datasets (including handling files in Network Common Data Form NetCDF) and analysis (including interpolation procedures and uncertainty calculations). Students will also have opportunity of informal discussion with instructors outside of the formal lectures. A visit of the NERC Earth Observation Data Acquisition and Analysis Service (NEODAAS) that is hosted at PML will be provided.

The course will take place over five days and will be delivered in the Marine Matters Centre at PML. 

Course objectives:  

The objectives and learning outcomes of this course are for students to be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of ocean colour;
  • Understand the principles for modelling primary production, for detecting phytoplankton size structure, Harmful Algal Blooms, and for estimating phytoplankton phenology;
  • Conduct research with ocean-colour data for ecosystem state assessment, model validation, data assimilation and climate research;
  • Plan requirements for large dataset processing, management and archiving;
  • Apply tools and statistical methods for visualisation and analysis of ocean-colour data with their associated uncertainty.
Contributions towards course costs, accommodation, meals, and travel are covered (restrictions apply).
Closing date for applications 24 June 2017
Course dates: 18 – 22 September 2017
Location: Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Prospect Place, The Hoe, PL1 3DH, Plymouth, UK



  • The UK Natural Environment Research Council will fund attendance for 20 UK-registered PhD students and early-career researchers.
  • The Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) will fund two places for registered PhD students and early-career researchers working at overseas POGO-member institutions.
  • In addition, 7-10 places will be funded for current and prospective users of Sentinel 3 data, who are PhD students and early-career researchers in any country of the EU and overseas.

How to register: 

Please use this web link to register for this course (https://registrationpml.wufoo.eu/forms/oceancolour-data-training-course/). Deadline for applications is now 30 June 2017.

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