Following the success of the NF-POGO Visiting Professorship Programme, which ran for 3 years (2004-2007) POGO continued to run a Visiting Professorship programme, which generally funded one Professor every year (2009-2014).
The Professorship allowed short visits (2 weeks to 3 months) of distinguished scientists from advanced oceanographic institutes to institutes in developing countries and economies in transition, to provide training and mentoring, to develop collaborations and enhance networking.
The goal of the visiting professorship was capacity building in the host institution, leading to enhanced sustained ocean observations to address societal issues of the day. Development of highly-trained scientific professionals was the priority. Promoting contacts, collaborations and networking among institutions of developing and developed countries was another goal.
This programme was seen as a complement to the POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellowship Programme.
Previously, the Visiting Professorship Program was open to oceanographic research establishments and educational institutes in developing countries and in economies in transition. The proposal was be submitted by a senior scientist from the institute wishing to host the visiting professor, and the application was made after procuring in writing the willingness of the proposed professor to participate in the proposed programme. This programme was terminated in 2015 to allocate funding to training initiatives proposed by POGO member institutions.
The programme covered the international travel costs of the professor and a modest honorarium for the professor. The programme also covered modest travel and accommodation costs for inviting students or young scientists from neighbouring areas to the host institution, to benefit from the visit and the training provided by the eminent visiting professor.
This programme had similar priorities areas as the POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellowship Programme.
- Argo Floats
- Fixed-point time-series observations (particularly those integrated in existing networks such as OceanSITES, ChloroGIN, Antares)
- Large-scale, operational biological observations including biodiversity (e.g. Continuous Plankton Recorder)
- Emerging Technologies for Ocean Observations
- Data management
- Coastal observations/ Coastal zone management
- Ocean and coastal modeling.
Past visiting professors
Dates | Host | Visiting Professor | Title (click for details) |
1 – 15 Dec 2007 | Iranian National Centre for Oceanography, Iran | Prof Charitha Pattiaratchi | Coastal physical oceanography of the Caspian Sea |
12 Feb – 9 Mar 2010 | Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, Argentina (Dr. Maria Gabriela Palomo) | Prof. Stephen Hawkins | Understanding climate driven change in biodiversity and ecosystems: observations, modelling and experiments |
8 Jan – 1 Jul 2011 | Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources, Namibia (Dr Bronwen Currie) | Prof. Lisa Levin | Understanding Biodiversity of Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) and methane seep environments |
8 Jan – 1 Jul 2011 | National Information and Research Centre , Namibia (Dr Anja Kreiner) | Prof. David Checkley | Emerging Technologies for Ocean Observations: CUFES (Continuous Underway Fish Egg Sampler) and LOPC (Laser Optical Plankton Counter) |
Mar 2012 | Institute of Oceanography, Vietnam (Prof. Lam Ngoc Nguyen) | Prof. Walker Smith | Use of fluorescence in oceanographic studies of coastal waters of Vietnam |
27 Mar – 24 Apr 2012 | Institute of Oceanography and Marine Sciences, National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency , Sri Lanka (Dr. K. Arulanathan) | Prof. Iossif Lozovatsky | Coastal Dynamics: Observation and analysis of currents, internal waves and turbulence on shelves |
25 Nov – 06 Dec 2013 | Oceans Research, Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa (Dr. Hans Verheye) | Dr. Declan Schroeder | MoM-CPR : Molecular Mining of the Continuous Plankton Recorder and other archived datasets |
19 Oct – 03 Nov 2014 | Centre for Marine Studies, federal University of Parana, Brazil (Dr Eduardo Marone) | Dr Renzo Mosetti | Innovative Integrated Marine Monitoring Systems in Coastal Regions |