Best practices for biogeochemical ocean observation: instrumentation, operation, quality control (2022)

5-17 June 2022 at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), Oban, Scotland

Hybrid event – in-person and virtual attendance. Organized by an international group from all around the Atlantic.

Biogeochemical measurements in ocean observing systems allow for assessment and sustainable management of oceanic ecosystems, yet they are underrepresented and underutilized. We created a POGO observational training to increase utilization of biogeochemical data sets. We will share our experiences with moored and float biogeochemical sensors made by different projects to train you. Let us grow the biogeochemical observing system together.

Are you an Early Career Scientist? – Awesome, there is some funding available for travel, registration fees and observations (We define Early Career Scientist generally as PhD candidates or Postdocs who received their PhD within the past seven years. Some exceptions may be considered on an individual basis.)


Kristin Burmeister, Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), UK


  • María Paz Chidichimo, Argentine Scientific Research Council (CONICET) and the Hydrographic Service, Argentina
  • Tarron Lamont, Oceans & Coastal Research, Dept. of Environmental Affairs (DEA), South Africa
  • Lidia Carracedo, Laboratory of Physical and Spatial Oceanography (LOPS), Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER), France
  • Ian Walsh, Freelance Researcher and writer (collaborator, instructor), USA
  • Matthew Humphreys, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), Netherlands
  • Stuart Cunningham, SAMS, UK
  • Mark Inall, SAMS, UK
  • Clare Johnson, SAMS, UK
  • Emanuele Organelli, ISMAR - Institute of Marine Sciences Rome section, Italy
  • Bryan King, National Oceanography Centre (NOC), UK
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