Phytoplankton Identification Workshop SAHFOS-MBA, UK, 2012

In 2012, POGO decided to sponsor an early career scientist from a developing country, to attend the SAHFOS/MBA Phytoplankton Identification Workshop that was run from 3rd to 13th July in Plymouth. This was decided in the context of POGO’s support for the development of the Global Alliance of CPR Surveys, and in particular its expansion to developing countries. Among the fifty or so applications received, the workshop organisers selected Dr. Gaston Almandoz, from National University of La Plata in Argentina.

At the end of the course, Gaston was invited to visit the POGO Secretariat and PML, to give him the opportunity to meet some PML scientists and to give a presentation on his current work, and on how the phytoplankton workshop will help him to further develop his research.

Gaston’s report and an article published in the POGO Newsletter can be downloaded below.

Year: 2012

Members involved

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