NB – this page is still under construction – more links will be added shortly.
POGO-related resources
- POGO’s downloadable flyers, factsheets and other materials
- SoNoAT Schools Outreach resources on the Ocean Training Partnership website
- NANO Educational Material Catalogue
Other places to find outreach materials

Outreach resources by POGO Members
During the COVID-19 outbreak, people around the world have been confined to their homes, and unable to attend places of education – be they formal teaching establishments such as schools, colleges and universities, or more public learning environments, including aquariums, museums, science festivals and group outreach events. It has been a delight to see the global Ocean Literacy community step up to the challenge of supporting remote learning through all manner of resources and events, from webinars and podcasts to lesson plans and home based activities.
A number of POGO members have created new or shared existing outreach resources during this period, and we thought it would be helpful to collate these efforts. This list of resources was originally shared in the May 2020 issue of the POGO newsletter, in time for World Ocean Day on 8 June.

British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
UK curriculum-relevant educational resources for teachers and students, developed in partnership with the Royal Geographical Society and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Polar Regions Department.

Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)
Planet Ocean, VLIZ’s main educational project, is an online learning platform (only in Dutch – www.planeetzee.be) for youngsters featuring learning modules and class excercises relating to investigation of the coast, seas and oceans. VLIZ also develops all kinds of teaching materials on marine issues for formal and informal education in Flanders.

Ocean Frontier Institute (OFI)
Ocean School – a collaboration between OFI, Dalhousie University and the National Film Board of Canada – is a free, innovative inquiry-based online learning experience, available in English and French.

Online resources for schools and home-schooling (German-language)
Online resources provided by the project VIRTUE-s, which helps educators and students to learn about and measure biodiversity of water environments through the accumulation of organisms on CD-shaped discs (biofouling). (English language)

Marine Biological Association (MBA)
MBA education aims to engage people with the marine world through projects and events, both local and international partnerships. A European Ocean Literacy pioneer, through Sea Change and within the EMSEA Network. See the Learning Zone for more information, resources and information about events.

Marine Institute (Ireland)
Variety of Education & Outreach resources, available in English and Irish Gaelic, including the Ocean Explorers Education programme for schools, which provides cross curricular lesson plans, resources and activities that support the Irish national curriculum.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the education and editorial staff at MBARI have gathered some educational resources that may be useful to parents and students while sheltering in place. This page lists a small collection of activities and lesson plans from MBARI and various other organisations that can be used at home.

NOAA’s Education at-home page is a round-up of English language resources including podcasts, webinars, lesson plans, videos, activities, websites and live events. They also provide a link to a NOAA Live! webinars, in conjunction with Woods Hole Sea Grant and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

National Oceanography Centre (NOC)
Educational resources aimed at those learning about the ocean, or teaching ocean related topics, including downloadable resources, as well as links to further reading.

Ocean Networks Canada
The ONC Learning and Engagement team works to develop educational resources about ocean science for students, educators, and the public. ONC’s ‘#knowtheocean‘ webpage is a selection of resources curated with home learning in mind.
Oceans Week Victoria is a series of virtual educational and recreational events, centred around World Oceans Day on June 8. There are online education and entertainment activities from Sunday, June 7th to Sunday, June 14th organised by Action Themes throughout the week.

Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)
PML scientists have contributed to ‘Encounter Edu AXA Arctic Live 2020‘ – a series of free lessons with polar scientists. These were broadcast live from 4th May – 15th May 2020, and are now available on catch-up, along with specific home education resources with downloadable teacher guidance and supporting resources.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
WHOI’s ‘Know Your Ocean‘ web pages provide a variety of online and downloadable resources for teachers and students. The Woods Hole Sea Grant site also has a list of suggested educational resources for use during school closure.

‘World Ocean Day’ links
These sites are not specific to POGO members, but any organisation can register to list their events/activities.