GOOS and POGO co-hosted an Ocean Pavilion side event during the UNFCCC COP27 meeting in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
It took place at the Ocean Pavilion, in the Blue Zone, on Thursday 10 Nov 2022, from 16:30 – 18:00 EET
Our vision to build the global ocean observing system is a bold, urgent, and achievable step that we can take to mitigate and adapt to climate change. It is the only way to truly understand whether and for how long the ocean will absorb carbon, and thus protect the planet from the disastrous effects of climate change. We will present a variety of perspectives on ocean observing, from coastal to open ocean and from high latitudes to the tropics and discuss collaboration towards our common vision.
Albert Fischer (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO)
Anya Waite (Ocean Frontier Institute, Canada, and GOOS)
Ed Hill (National Oceanography Centre, UK, and POGO)
Sabrina Speich (Ecole Normal Superieure & Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, France, and GCOS/ GOOS)
Mike Savage (Mayor of Halifax, Canada)
Jim Edson (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA)
Mike Meredith (British Antarctic Survey, UK)
Hadeer Abdou (Suez Canal University, Egypt)
Pedro Carrasco de la Cruz (Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity, Germany)
Video of the event
10 November, 2022 –

Sharm El-Sheikh International Convention Center (SHICC), Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt