COP24 Side event: POGO & AOSED

POGO and AOSED held a joint side event at the UNFCCC COP24 conference in Katowice, Poland.

Tuesday 4 December at 16:45 UTC+01 (local time in Katowice) in the Narew room

“Enhancing ocean and climate observing in developing nations using low-cost technologies and capacity development”

POGO and AOSED are both organisations working to develop/deploy low-cost technologies & provide capacity development for ocean & climate observing in coastal waters of developing nations. In this session, representatives will share their perspectives & experience. Stakeholders from these nations are invited to discuss their resource management needs.


Sophie Seeyave, CEO, Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO)


Assessing Loss & Damage of Low Exposed Sudden Onset Disasters (NCCB)
Presenters: Mizanur Rahman Bijoy, Coordinator, NCCB & Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman, NCCB

Adaptive Strategy towards Resiliency of Climate Exposed communities
Presenter: Shamim Arfeen, Executive Director, AOSED

Observations of coastal waters in developing countries: the OpenMODs philosophy and approach
Presenter:  Alessandro Crise, Research Director, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS

Capacity development in ocean and climate science
Presenter: Eva-Maria Brodte, Scientific coordinator of the NF-POGO Center of Excellence, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)

Followed by questions from the audience, and a panel discussion.

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