Thematic Session B: Ocean sound Essential Ocean Variable and low-cost acoustic devices
(Co-Chairs Gilles Lericolais & Peter Tyack)
Session outline/objectives:
The discussion will engage the membership in thinking about possible expansion of the JPI Oceans model for funding international projects on ocean sound -particularly thinking about how this could be applied to fund development of low-cost acoustic recording devices (as follow-up to IQOE workshop held in Dec 2021). The discussion will also focus on other mechanisms for funding follow-up work on the low-cost sensors topic (XPrize-type competitions, hackathons etc) and on the establishment of a global hydrophone network as a first step in implementing the Ocean Sound EOV as part of GOOS.
- Update on IQOE activities related to sustained ocean sound observations: Peter Tyack (15 min)
- UN Decade programme on the Maritime acoustic Environment: Kyle Becker (15 min)
- Update on JPI Oceans Action on ocean sound: Angelo Camerlenghi (15 min).
Summary Report:
Sound is a persistent yet dynamic component of the maritime environment reflecting both physical and biological properties and phenomenology that define oceanography. This session was dedicated to stimulate the engagement of POGO members in envisaging solution to fund development of low-cost acoustic recording devices (as follow-up to IQOE workshop held in Dec 2021 at POGO-22) and specification of which EOV has to be prioritised.
The session was introduced by 3 topics:
- Update on IQOE activities related to sustained ocean sound observations by Peter Tyack;
- UN Decade programme on the Maritime acoustic Environment by Kyle Becker;
- Update on JPI Oceans Action on ocean sound by Angelo Camerlenghi
Peter Tyack gave an update on IQOE and concluded that there is still difficulties to define the EOV for Ocean sound, and underline the need to determine what we want to measure. Actions carried out at the Military level and Geophysics were also mentioned as well as the ones taken at different other levels showing a need of collaboration to be developed. The presentation confirmed that the community is not here yet for low cost acoustic sensors and propose to envisage a POGO programme that could define orientation and address solution.
Kyle Becker informed on the UN Decade programme on the Maritime acoustic Environment (UN-MAE) and underlined that understanding sound in the ocean is critical to support users of, and life within, the ocean. For this reason and in support to the UN Decade for Ocean science, the UN Research Programme on the Maritime Acoustic Environment is there to establish a comprehensive science-based programme aimed at measuring and objectively characterizing underwater acoustic environments – the physical, biological and anthropogenic – at regional to global scales. This Programme will foster new scientific knowledge, technologies, approaches to data collection and dissemination that facilitate the use of sound for analysing, evaluating and predicting ocean-life systems and therefore help to define the EOV for Ocean sound. This could be a base for a reflection for POGO to initiate a Programme on low cost acoustic sensors
Angelo Camerlenghi informed POGO members about the JPI Oceans Action on ocean sound.
The Joint Action Underwater Noise in the Marine Environment of the JPI oceans was adopted on 6th May 2020 with the purpose of promoting a pan-European, cross-disciplinary partnership, for the integration of different sectors of the scientific research community. A joint call for proposals was launched in December 2021 with the objectives to identifying of priorities, research gaps and needs on the state of impacts, technology, sound propagation, and measurements. The call addresses two main challenges in the field through activities that may focus on:
- Theme 1: Effects of anthropogenic noise pollution on marine ecosystems
- Theme 2: Innovative seismic sources as an option for quieter and effective alternatives to conventional marine geophysical exploration
The session discussions were also addressing other mechanisms for funding follow-up work on the low-cost sensors topic. The possibility to establish a global hydrophone network as a first step in implementing the Ocean Sound EOV as part of GOOS was also on the table. Propositions were made about the possible expansion of the JPI Oceans model for funding international projects on ocean sound -particularly thinking about how this could be applied at POGO level to establish a Programme for low cost Sound sensors.
The Session ended with recommendations presented during the wrap-up of the POGO 23 session programmes. For the session dedicated to “Ocean sound Essential Ocean Variable and low-cost acoustic devices”, the conclusions are:
1.1 Continue to support IQOE efforts and use recommendation on what implement Ocean Sound EOV are important.
1.2 Support establishment of IQOE Working Groups to follow up on the topic of low-cost underwater acoustic recording devices; POGO input could focus in particular on the needs of developing countries (what to measure and for what purpose?).
1.3 Liaise with existing financed actions (e.g. JPI Ocean : Ocean sound calls) to study the possibility for POGO and POGO members to study the possibility of joint actions.