Complaints procedure

POGO is committed to providing a quality service to its customers and stakeholders. One of the ways in which we can continue to improve this service is by listening and responding to your views. If you have a complaint, please in the first instance inform your main contact at POGO as they may be the person best placed to deal with your concern and to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Should you be unhappy with the response you receive, or your complaint is about a member of POGO staff, then please make a formal complaint in writing, via the feedback form on this website, e-mail or post to: Dr Sophie Seeyave, CEO. Registered Office: POGO Secretariat, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Prospect Place, The Hoe, Plymouth, PL1 3DH, United Kingdom To ensure that we address your complaint fully, please provide us with your email, postal address or phone number and the full details of your complaint (along with any relevant supporting information). We take all complaints seriously and will send you a written acknowledgement within fourteen days. We will then investigate the complaint and inform you of the outcome within 30 days of receiving the complaint.
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