Testimonial: Subrata Sarker

POGO Alumnus:
(1) NF-POGO Centre of Excellence 2013-2014; (2) NF-POGO-AWI Shipboard Training – NoSoAT 2016

“‘Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, but let me do and I will understand’ – a Chinese proverb.  Hands-on training offers the opportunity to build the foundation of ocean science to the young ocean learners. For last 20 years, POGO is promoting ocean science to the young ocean learners throughout the world by providing hands-on training and transferring technologies. I am fortunate enough to get the opportunities to participate in training programmes and science meetings on oceanography offered by POGO.”

Read full testimonial here.

Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, but let me do and I will understand“- a Chinese proverb.

Hands-on training offers the opportunity to build the foundation of ocean science to the young ocean learners. For last 20 years, POGO is promoting ocean science to the young ocean learners throughout the world by providing hands-on training and transferring technologies. I am fortunate enough to get the opportunities to participate in training programmes and science meetings on oceanography offered by POGO. I started my journey with POGO as a scholar of CofE at Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Germany in 2013. This 10 months intensive training on observational oceanography laid the foundation for a global scientific networking. In addition, this programme also facilitated the way to get my PhD position in Germany. Apart from the training programme at AWI, POGO also supported me to develop my capacity in ocean science by offering the opportunities to participate in the floating summer school with RV Celtic Explorer (Ireland) and RV Polarstern (Germany to South Africa), training on remote sensing (The Philippines) and many scientific meetings. All these events offered the opportunities to work with well equipped research vessels, handling modern oceanographic instruments, working in labs with all necessary facilities and meeting friends with different cultural and academic backgrounds. POGO helped me to develop my capacity in ocean science which smoothed to build my career in oceanography in Bangladesh where I am now working as an assistant professor of oceanography at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. Currently POGO is supporting me by including in NANO global project to monitor the marine ecosystem of Bangladesh. In a word, POGO planted the seed of multidisciplinary ocean science and provided the necessary transferable skills to build up my career. In the POGO’s 20th anniversary, I would like to thank POGO, Nippon Foundation and AWI to give me the opportunity by providing one the best scientific platform to learn and practice ocean science.

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