Testimonial: Akinnigbagbe Akintoye Edward

POGO Alumnus:
NF-POGO Centre of Excellence (2008-2009)

“After the program at Bermuda, my career had been greatly affected in so many areas. I was part of the first epoch SINO-Nigeria scientific sea cruise that had Chinese and Nigeria scientists on board. I also went to South Korea on training in hydrography survey. The experience gained in Bermuda institute for Ocean Sciences really helped during my doctoral program in Zhejiang University China were I bagged my PhD in Geosciences.”

Read full testimonial here.

Testimonial On Ocean Observatory Sponsored Program, Undertaken In Bermuda Institute For Ocean Sciences, Bermuda.

Sponsored By Pogo-Nippon Foundation, From August 5, 2008-May 24, 2009

By Dr Akinnigbagbe Akintoye Edward

The Nippon Foundation (NF)-partnership for observations of the Global Ocean (pogo) centre for excellence (C of E) at the Bermuda institute for Ocean Sciences (BIOS) are to expand world-wide capacity to observe the oceans, to build human resources in developing countries, and to improve international networking in ocean sciences. The emphasis is on training young scientists from developing countries in particular. The mission of the program is building working networks of educated scientists, creating an association of peers from years to come. The Inaugural program (2008-2009) involved students from Ghana, Tunisia, Angola, Venezuela, India, Portugal, Philippines, Brazil and Pakistan. I was fortunate to be picked from Nigeria.

-My research work was supervised by Dr. Andreas Andersson and titled “Modelling of Biogeochemical processes in Mangrove Bay” The biogeochemical processes operating in Mangrove Bay are respiration/ oxidation, photosynthesis, calcification and dissolution each been driven by the physical forces, and this research was carried out to look at the physical and biogeochemical processes in a mangrove dominated ecosystem using a numerical approach, the biogeochemistry aspect is to consider – fate and transport of carbon, oxygen and nutrients and the physical aspect is considering  the tidal flux and the groundwater discharge which are the physical processes driven the biogeochemistry in Mangrove Bay, but  the physical aspect of the model is been considered in my work to see how much of impact this processes(physical and biogeochemistry) has on the system.

After the program at Bermuda, my career had been greatly affected in so many areas. I was part of the first epoch SINO-Nigeria scientific sea cruise that had Chinese and Nigeria scientists on board. I also went to South Korea on training in hydrography survey. The experience gained in Bermuda institute for Ocean Sciences really helped during my doctoral program in Zhejiang University China were I bagged my PhD in Geosciences. Have attended many seminars and workshops in and out of the country, also I have been part of so many workshops organized in Nigeria with the aim of passing knowledge to the younger scientists. As at present, I work as a Chief Research Officer with the Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine research Lagos. Meanwhile, I attended Pogo program in 2008 as a Research Officer 1.

Some of my selected pictures during my stay at Bermuda Institute for Ocean Sciences and the research vessel used (R.V Atlantic Explorer).

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