First call for and funding of POGO Working Groups and Member Training Initiatives

At its 15th Annual Meeting (Jan 2014), the POGO members decided that POGO needed a more transparent process for allocating support to new or existing projects that approach POGO for support. It was also agreed that POGO would be more effective in advancing ocean observations if it operated through a number of Working Groups dedicated to specific priority areas identified by the members. These must be directly relevant to POGO’s core mission, i.e. sustained, long-term ocean observing systems and shared use of infrastructure, data and information. At the 16th POGO annual meeting (Jan 2015) it was decided that POGO’s funding for training initiatives would be allocated following a similar process, to ensure that the funding is used more effectively to advance POGO’s core mission.

Support has been provided to projects proposed by POGO members, which aim to identify and fill gaps in global ocean observation. A call has been issued to the POGO member institutes annually, to advance ocean observations while at the same time strengthening the ties of the POGO network.

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