Course title:
Innovative Integrated Marine Monitoring Systems in Coastal Regions
Dates: 19 October – 03 November 2014
Visiting Professor: Dr Renzo Mosetti, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Trieste, Italy.
Host: Dr Eduardo Marone, Center for Marine Studies – Federal University of Paraná.
The training course was designed for those interested in learning more about the coastal zone and its relationship with human activities. Students examined the problem of efficient and innovative monitoring systems based on: fixed stations, meteo-oceanographic buoys, satellite and airborne remote sensing data, drifters and coastal HF radars. Analysis included investigation of the case studies from the Gulf of Trieste (ITALY) where an integrated monitoring system is active.
The course comprised of a series of lectures and practical activities, mainly processing observational data, and included a field trip to the Paranaguá Bay where scholars observed currents with electromagnetic and acoustic devices and measured water properties with CTD and other methods. Some participants requested training in the use of such instruments which was provided at the Marine Physics Group.
The impact of the training on Centre for Marine Studies was very positive, more than 90 students and professionals participated in the course in addition to the 50 that had registered. As a result, the host plans to establish a permanent training centre for ocean observations for participants coming from Latin America and the Caribbean from 2016 onwards.
Participants in the training course came not only from Brazil, but also from Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Uruguay. In addition to support from POGO, funding was also provided by the International Ocean Institute, Brazil OC’s resources and Brazilian grants from sources made available by the local host. In-kind contribution of CEM-UFPR also provided substantial support to the programme.