Regional training workshop on observing the coastal and marginal seas in the western Indian Ocean including the Arabian/Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman (2022)

A Regional Training Workshop on ‘Observing the Coastal and Marginal Seas in the Western Indian Ocean including the Arabian/Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman’ will be organised in a hybrid format on 7th – 9th June, 2022. The workshop is organised by IORP, with the support from the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) and the ReMoTURB Project (in turn supported by the Mozambican Oceanographic Institute (InOM, former IIP) and Nelson Mandela University (NMU) in South Africa).

The workshop will be a hybrid format with three components taking place simultaneously – physical workshop venues in Maputo, Mozambique, virtual attendance and presentation in Kuwait, and global virtual attendance. This workshop will encourage the countries bordering the western Indian Ocean (including marginal seas) to be engaged in coastal observing programs and research as effective part-ners, and will also identify the training needs and capacity building in the participating coun-tries and provide the opportunity for starting countries to learn from others who have already established programs. The workshop will include the following sessions:

  1. Overview of the WIO Observing Systems
  2. Observation Instruments and Platforms in the WIO
  3. Data access, Analysis and Management
  4. Observation with Societal Needs

The registration for this workshop is now open: Deadline for registration: 25 March 2022 Limited grants are available to support the on-site participation. For more information, please refer to the workshop webpage:


Faiza Al-Yamani, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait; Bernardino Malauene, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Pesqueira (National Fisheries Research Institute) and Nelson Mandela University, Mozambique


  • Satya Prakash, INCOIS, India
  • Subramaniam Neelamani, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait
  • Abdulla Al-Zaidan, Kuwait Environment Public Authority, Kuwait
  • Fahad Al-Senafi, Kuwait University, Kuwait
  • Igor Polikarpov, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait
  • Nikolay Nezlin, NOAA, USA
  • Turki Al-Saeid, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait
  • Waleed Al-Zikri, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait
  • Juliet Hermes, SAEON Egagasini node, South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) University of Cape Town and Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
  • Roxy Mathew Koll, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), India
  • Gregory Cowie, SIBER, UK
  • Tommy Bornman, SAEON, South Africa
  • Mike Roberts, NMU, South Africa
  • Raleigh Hood, UMCES, USA
  • Jenny Huggett, Oceans and Coasts, Dept of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, South Africa
  • Nicholas Hardman-Mountford, Diplomat and marine scientist, The Commonwealth Secretariat, UK
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