Ocean Observations for Coastal Applications (2024)

A POGO-supported training initiative will be delivered by INCOIS in February 2024. It will include practical knowledge-sharing on various observational instruments, their working principles, tools and techniques to measure and analyse the data, areas of their applications with proven examples of data utilization and services.

Coastal processes are complicated due to multiple natural and anthropogenic factors. Many countries are strengthening their focus on the blue economy for prosperity. This invites opportunities as well as risks to the delicate near-shore ecosystems. As a result, importance of coastal observations and their use for societal applications has grown manifold. Considering this, a training has been envisaged with practical knowledge imparting on various observational instruments, their working principles, tools and techniques to measure and analyse the data, areas of their applications with proven examples of data utilization and services.

INCOIS (a POGO-Member institution that houses a UNESCO Category-II Centre ITCOocean, where the training will be hosted) now also hosts UN Ocean Decade endorsed Decade Collaborative Centre for the Indian Ocean Region (DCC-IOR). With POGO being a Decade Implementation Partner (DIP), this training will be taken up as a UN Ocean Decade activity with DCC-IOR

The training is aimed at developing the capacity of Small Island Developing States from Indian Ocean and the IO Rim countries (that house a fifth of the humanity) including IOGOOS Members, POGO members, etc. It addresses POGO’s 2nd priority area on Capacity Development, aligns with the objectives of the UN Ocean Decade and contributes to the proposed outcomes of Ocean Decade on “A Predicted Ocean” and “A safe Ocean”.

The application call is available at: https://incois.gov.in/ITCOocean/pogo1023.jsp

Year: 2024

Training Initiative website

Members involved

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