POGO Visiting Professorship 2010

Course title: 

Understanding climate driven change in biodiversity and ecosystems: observations, modelling and experiments.

Dates: 12 Feb to 9th March 2010

Visiting Professor: S J Hawkins, Bangor University, School of Ocean Sciences

Host: Dr. Maria Gabriela Palomo. Senior Researcher National Commission for Research in Science and Technology (CONICET) Argentina. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Participation in fieldwork and seminar component: Professor Juan Jose Cruz  Motta, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela.

The theoretical component (35 hours plus) was held in Buenos Aires in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales and the practical/discussion seminars component (21 hours plus) 500 km south of Bueonos Aires at Estacion Hidrobiologica de Quequen on the rocky coast there.

The course provided an integrated combination of formal lectures, research seminars, discussion workshops and fieldwork to inform research and to provide training in the area of climate change responses of coastal and nearshore ecosystems. This was intended to inform and enable the establishment of broadscale observations and time series essential for separating climate change from local and regional scale impacts.  Research underpinning adaptational responses to climate change was also outlined (work on impacts and design of sea defences).

The following POGO priorities were explored in the context of climate change and the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning:

  • fixed point time-series observations,
  • large-scale observations of biodiversity,
  • emerging approaches for ocean observations,
  • data management,
  • coastal observations,
  • coastal zone management
  • modelling future states in the coastal zone
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