POGO-SCOR Fellowships 2006

2006 Fellows

Udaya Bhaskar

INCOIS, Hyderabad, India SISMER, Brest, France

Mr. Bhaskar’s interests lie in real time quality control of Argo profile data for the Indian Ocean region (RDAC). He is currently working in the Indian Argo Project at INCOIS, Hyderabad. His fellowship takes him to the Coriolis Data Center operated by SISMER in Brest, France for 3 months of training under the supervision of Dr. Loic Petit de la Villeon.

Dr. Mangesh Gauns

National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, USA

Dr. Gauns is involved in research at the National Institute of Oceanography in Goa, India. He will have training on microzooplankton grazing and flow cytometry analysis of marine picoplankton, supervised by Dr. Michael Sieracki at the J.J. MacIsaac Aquatic Cytometry Facility, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, USA. Duration of the training is 3 months.

Badrú Hagy

Fisheries Research Institute, Mozambique Utrecht University, Netherlands

Mr. Hagy is involved in oceanographic data management and analysis in Mozambique’s Fisheries Research Institute. His fellowship was used for 3 months of training related to chemical oceanography, CTD data, water samples, and mooring time series interpretation. The training was supervised by Dr. Gert de Lange at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

Dr. Chaolun Li

Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China University of Connecticut, USA

Dr. Li’s interests lie in zooplankton diversity and population dynamics; he conducts research and
is a professor at Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The fellowship takes
him to the University of Connecticut’s Marine Sciences and Technology Center for 3 months
training in molecular analysis of zooplankton, under the supervision of Dr. Ann Bucklin.

Liisa Metsamaa

Estonian Marine Institute, Estonia CSIRO, Australia

Ms. Metsamaa conducts research at the Estonian Marine Institute; her interest is in cyanobacteria blooms. The POGO-SCOR fellowship allowed her to visit CSIRO Land & Water’s Aquatic Remote Sensing Group in Canberra, Australia, for 3 months of training on remote sensing of harmful algal blooms, supervised by Dr. Arnold Dekker.

Ivanice Monteiro

National Institute for Fisheries Development, Cape Verde IFM-GEOMAR, Germany

Ms. Monteiro is employed by the National Institute for Fisheries Development; she is involved in
biological sampling. With her fellowship she spent 3 months at IFM-GEOMAR’s Leibniz Institute
of Marine Sciences, University of Kiel training in oceanographic sampling and analysis
techniques. The supervisor at the host institution was Dr. Douglas Wallace.

Yuli Naulita

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan

Ms. Naulita is employed at Bogor Agricultural University’s Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. She undertook 3 months of training in fixed-point time series observation of internal waves in Uchiura Bay, Japan. The training took place at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, supervised by Dr. Masaji Matsuyama.

Oleksandra Sergeyeva

Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Ukraine British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK

Ms. Sergeyeva is a leading engineer in the Biophysical Ecology Department at the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. She spent 2 months at the British Oceanographic Data Centre in Liverpool, England, where Dr. Lesley Rickards arranged for her training in marine data management.

Zongjun Xu

First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China Northeast Fisheries Science Center, USA

Mr. Xu is a second year doctoral student studying marine ecology and a team member in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Project, which will be employing a marine shuttle system (MSS) as one of its main monitoring components. He travels to NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Narragansett, USA, for 3 months of training in the use of the Mariner Shuttle-SeaWiFS-CPR integrated systems approach to monitoring of primary productivity and zooplankton for applications in the Yellow Sea LME project. Mr. Xu’s host supervisor will be Dr. Kenneth Sherman.

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