POGO-IOC-SCOR Fellowships 2003

2003 Fellows

Ana Baldoni

National Institute for Fishery Research and Development (INIDEP), Argentina IFREMER's National Oceanographic Data Centre (SISMER) at Brest, France

Ms. Baldoni's interests lie in database management as applied to the physical oceanography database of Argentina's National Institute for Fishery Research and Development (INIDEP). Her fellowship takes her to IFREMER's National Oceanographic Data Centre (SISMER) at Brest, France for a month of training under the supervision of Dr. Catherine Maillard.

Noel Dominguez

Peruvian Marine Research Institute (IMARPE), Peru Instituto Oceanografico at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mr. Dominguez is involved in research at the Peruvian Marine Research Institute (IMARPE), working with physical parameters of the Peruvian sea. He will be undergoing training on fixedpoint time series observations, supervised by Dr. Edmo Campos of the Instituto Oceanografico at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Duration of the training will be two months.

Jonson Lumban Gaol

Bogor University, Indonesia University of Colorado, USA

Mr. Gaol is involved in doctoral level studies at Bogor University's Marine Technology Program, with a strong interest in satellite imagery of the Indian Ocean. His fellowship will be used for three months of training in state of the art remote sensing technology and data analysis, under the supervision of Dr. Robert Leben at the Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research, University of Colorado, USA.

Bagus Hendrajana

Agency for Marine Affairs and Fisheries Research, Indonesia CSIRO, Australia

Mr. Hendrajana is a researcher at Indonesia's Agency for Marine Affairs and Fisheries Research, and has become involved in Argo float deployment. His fellowship took him to CSIRO Marine Research at Hobart, Australia, where he took part in two months of training involving processing and analysis of Argo float data, satellite SST and ocean color data. The host supervisor at CSIRO was Dr. Helen Phillips.

Majid Naderi

Iranian National Center for Oceanography (INCO), Iran Deutsches Ozeanographisches Datenzentrum (DOD), Germany

Mr. Naderi conducts research at the National Oceanographic Data Centre of the Iranian National Center for Oceanography (INCO). The fellowship enabled him to attend a hands-on training programme on data acquisition, metadata, data formatting and archiving, and quality control at Germany’s national oceanographic data center, the Deutsches Ozeanographisches Datenzentrum (DOD), under the supervision of Dr. Friedrich Nast. The duration of the training was two months.

Pamela Rossel

University of Concepcion, Chile Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA

Ms. Rossel is involved in estimates of sea surface processes using geochemical proxies in sediment traps and sediments at the University of Concepcion. She is taking part in two months of training in time-series sediment trap operations and analyses of molecular proxies at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, provided by Dr. Maureen Conte.

M.A. Shajahan

National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), India University of Washington, USA

Mr. Shajahan heads the recent Indian Argo programme at the National Institute of Ocean
Technology (NIOT) in Chennai. The POGO-IOC-SCOR Fellowship will enable him to visit the
University of Washington’s School of Oceanography for a month, during which time he will be
exposed to technical aspects of Argo floats, involving construction, calibration, deployment, and
operation. Prof. Stephen C. Riser will be supervising this training.

S. Mohsin Tabrez

National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC), Pakistan Deutsches Ozeanographisches Datenzentrum (DOD), Germany

Mr. Tabrez is involved in data management at the National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) at Pakistan’s National Institute of Oceanography. The fellowship enabled him to travel to Germany’s national oceanographic data center, the Deutsches Ozeanographisches Datenzentrum (DOD), where he took part in a three month training program involving all aspects of ocean data management under the supervision of Dr. Friedrich Nast.

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