POGO’s New Strategy Document is Launched in Tokyo, Japan


Press Release

25 January 2016 – The Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) presented the new observational strategy at a press conference in Tokyo, Japan today ahead of the annual meeting of the organisation, which brings together the directors of 40 oceanographic institutions from around the world. Read more…

POGO’s vision is to have by 2030, world-wide cooperation for a sustainable, state-of-the-art global ocean observing system that serves the needs of science and society.

POGO’s mission is to:

1. Lead innovation and development of the crucial components of the ocean observing system.

2. Identify and contribute to the development of the key skills, capabilities and capacities needed to achieve the vision.

3. Work with Governments, Foundations and Industry, to articulate the benefits to society and required funding to build and sustain the system.

“In some ways we know more about Mars than our own oceans yet they do govern everything from regional climate to economics,” said Karen Wiltshire, Chair of POGO and Vice-Director of Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research.

The new strategy outlines the progress that has been made in ocean observations and also highlights the gaps in ocean observations that need to be addressed to be able to manage the oceans in an coordinated and collaborated way.

Click here to read an article on the POGO Strategy, published in Science Magazine.

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