POGO-SCOR Fellowships 2024

2024 Fellows

Amirotul Bahiyah

Sriwijaya University, Indonesia Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA

Heat Budget Analysis using Argo Float and Ocean-Atmosphere Satellite Data

Gabriel Gallegos Diez Barroso

Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico Institute for Earth System Predictions, Italy

The Yucatan Self circulation under climate change

Fernando Becker

Servicio de hidrografía Naval - CONICET, Argentina Mediterranean Institute of oceanography (MIO), France

Analysis of sub-mesoscale structures in the north-western Mediterranean by comparing in-situ and satellite data

Michelle Glory G Jonik

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Department of Oceanography National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan

Understanding Symbiodiniaceae Culture Protocols and Lipid Production to Assess Coral Stressors: Evaluating Nutrient Limitation Through Nutrient-Induced Fluorescence Transients (NiFTs) and Thermal Stress

Esther Karo Oghenede 

Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Nigeria University of Ghana, Ghana

Investigating the Sources, Distribution, and the Impacts of Microplastic Pollution in Coastal Waters: Ghana Coastal Waters as a Case Study

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